Senior Health and Life Insurance

Senior health insurance starts with Medicare. Medicare is a government sponsored health plan provided by the Federal government. It has co-insurance and deductibles which can mount up to a significant cost. Medicare insurance is divided into four parts: A, B, C, & D.

  1. Part A covers hospitalization, short term inpatient rehab and hospice.
  2. Part B covers medical expenses such as doctor‘s visits, tests, labs, home health care, and durable medical equipment, etc.
  3. Part C is called “Medicare Advantage.” It is not a separate benefit. Part C is the part of the Medicare policy that allows private health insurance to provide Medicare benefits. These private health plans, such as HMOs* and PPOs** are known as “Medicare Advantage plans.” If you want, you can choose to get your medical coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan instead of through original Medicare.
  4. Part D provides outpatient prescription drug coverage. It is provided only through private insurance companies that have contracts with the government.

*HMO: “Health maintenance organization.” Regular care comes from a network of medical professionals who have contracted to work with within specified guidelines (especially prices). You have a primary professional (doctor or nurse) that you usually have to visit first, who then refers you to another HMO doctor if you need specialist care.

**PPO: “Preferred Provider Organization.” Like an HMO, in the sense that there is network of approved providers, but you may visit others, although the insurance won‘t kick in as much. Also, you don‘t need a referral from your primary first. These usually cost a little more than HMOs.

Both the Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug plans have specific periods of enrollment. Senior health also includes other coverages such as supplements, short term care, long-term care, dental, vision, and various indemnity*** plans such as cancer and hospital indemnity. Dryden-Kamis Insurance sells these plans and is happy to help you select the plan that fits your needs.

***Indemnity: This word has slightly different meanings in different contexts. As we are using it here, it refers to a type of insurance which pays a fixed amount when the situation occurs. You may direct the funds to go to a doctor or facility, or you may choose to receive them yourself to use as you want.

Medicare Supplements (Medigap Plans)

Supplements work along with Medicare. They pay some or all of what Medicare does not pay. Supplements come in levels of policies labeled A through N. Each level gives a different degree of coverage. Although they are offered by different companies, for any given level, each plan has the same coverage no matter what company you purchase it from. Generally, Supplement plans can be changed anytime in the year.   Dryden-Kamis Insurance sells these plans, and would be glad to help you choose which seems right for you.  

Advantage Plans

(Medicare Part C - Purchased from private insurance companies contracted with Medicare)

All Medicare Advantage plans must offer the same benefits and provide an annual maximum out-of-pocket limit, but different plans may also include other benefits such as, for example, part D drug coverage or gym membership. Dryden-Kamis Insurance represents plans from several different carriers. We are happy to help you select the plan that fits your needs.

Prescription Drug Plans

(Medicare Part D- Purchased from Private insurance companies contracted with Medicare)

Individuals are often faced with significant costs for their prescription drugs. Prescription Drug plans help manage those costs. Dryden-Kamis Insurance represents plans from several different carriers. We are happy to help you select the plan that fits your needs.

Long Term/Short Term Care

As we get older, sometimes our health deteriorates to where we need constant care. This is often very expensive and many of us cannot afford it. Long Term Care is a way to provide for this need. It is purchased for various lengths of time varying from one to five years or more and normally pays for housing and skilled care in a facility. Plans have a variety of benefits and options available. It is more economical to purchase this insurance earlier in life. Many people purchase this coverage in their 40's and 50's. Short Term Care usually deals with either home or skilled care for shorter periods of time and in some cases can reimburse family members for their time. These plans are very economical to offset the cost of rehabilitation when one comes from the hospital.   Dryden-Kamis Insurance is able to offer plans from several different carriers. We are happy to help you select the plan that fits your needs.

Ancilliary Products

This group of health products includes plans which address specific needs such as dental, vision, critical illness (which covers extra costs involved with cancer, heart attacks and strokes, etc.) and hospitalization. Other than vision and dental, these plans are indemnity plans which pay cash amounts. These coverages can help offset the costs involved in critical illness or hospitalizations. Dryden-Kamis Insurance represents plans from several different carriers. We are happy to help you select the plan that fits your needs.



What‘s Important when choosing a Health insurance policy?


    Having an agent who has a clear understanding of Medicare, the various types of insurance available, and has a love for seniors

  •  Did you know?
  • 1. Medicare supplement plans are standardized for all companies—exactly the same health coverage.
    2. Medicare supplement premiums vary greatly between companies.  
    3. Medicare Supplement plans supplement Medicare’s coverage and pay some or all of what Medicare does not pay.
    4. You can enroll or dis-enroll in Medicare Supplements any time of the year.
    5. We sell Medicare Supplement plans for several different companies.
    6. Medicare Supplements are accepted by any providers that accept Medicare.


     For a free analysis by appointment or by phone—call today.